Tutorial, Pendidikan, Media Pembelajaran, Ilmu Pengetahuan.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Merakit pesenan Runing teks 9 Panel (kira-kira 3 Meter).

Alhamdulilah akhirnya pesenan runing teks 9 pane telah terselesaikan, terpasang dan lunas dibayar.

Runing teks sepanjang 3 meter ini, menggunakan 9 panel p10 full outdoor, dengan PSU 40 A slim, dan controller Power LED TF-s Wifi.

Modal membuat cassing adalah dua lonjor alumunium holo ukuran 2,5 x 5 cm, Harga perlonjor @ 140 ribu rupiah panjangnya 6 meter. dan untuk membuat cassing ini masih siswa banyak.

Gambar Proses Pembuatan cassing dan pemasangan panel

Uji Coba Panel dan display


 Untuk tutorial perakitan dan video dapat kunjungi posting saya disini :



geometry dash said...

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. It solved very quickly the problem I was having

Maja said...

I did ennjoyed reading this content

zbigniew33e said...

What books are you reading? Do you have something to recommend for the autumn evenings?

Howard L said...

Lovely blog, thanks for taking the time to share this

Stephanie Little said...

Similar effects like picture retention or the burn-in effect alter the display permanently, however, monitor ghosting doesn't. Instead, ghosting only appears as a fuzzy trail during frantic situations with moving objects and has no long-term impact on the image.

Aaron Martel said...

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Sam Glenelg said...

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